An unexpected discovery in Machu Picchu has transported a young professional thief from Earth to a world filled with mystical powers and evil plots. With his beloved teacher and best friend killed during the calamity, his only goal is to become stronger, so that he can take revenge for them.This is a novel filled with politics, the struggle for power, evil beauties, and of course, Divine Immortals.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 1: Prologue
Translator: StackThatCoin Editor: Hitesh
Green City was the most beautiful place under the heaven.
It was a famous Daoist mountain. From ancient times, countless extraordinary people with peculiar abilities were seen visiting the place. As the saying went, 'Dragons and serpents are usually hiding in the wilderness', it had perfectly lived up to this famous quote.
Countless mythical stories and legends were like a thick...
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 1: Prologue
Translator: StackThatCoin Editor: Hitesh
Green City was the most beautiful place under the heaven.
It was a famous Daoist mountain. From ancient times, countless extraordinary people with peculiar abilities were seen visiting the place. As the saying went, 'Dragons and serpents are usually hiding in the wilderness', it had perfectly lived up to this famous quote.
Countless mythical stories and legends were like a thick...